Grape Resources
Below are some selected Extension resources related to insect pest management in grapes. Please visit the Grape IPM website for many more resources and scouting reports. Sign up for the MSU Extension eNewsletter to receive current fruit news and info on upcoming extension events.

A Pocket Guide for Grape IPM Scouting of Grapes in North Central & Eastern U.S.
This compact guide contains pictures and short descriptions of grape pests and disorders as well as other useful information for grape growers and consultants. With funding from Project GREEEN and the Michigan Craft Beverage Council, the pocket guide is now available as a free, mobile-friendly PDF, allowing growers to download and view the guide right from their mobile device.
The mobile guide for grape IPM scouting covers many IPM issues in vineyards including insect and mite pests, natural enemies, diseases, and physiological and chemical disorders. The guide also discusses general directions for the timing of pest scouting and shows the main grape growth stages.